Chapter 187 Martial Arts

April 17, 2031 9:00 AM

 As instructed by Duke Cerence, I headed to the Duke Cerence's mansion by myself. When I arrived in front of the mansion, the gatekeeper guided me inside.

 The atmosphere at the Duke Cerence's mansion today was somewhat solemn. The gatekeeper guided me through the mansion and I was shown into a large room, different from the one I had seen yesterday.

 When I entered the room, I found Duke Cerence, one person who seemed to be a lion, and about ten beastmen who seemed to be bears.

"Marth, I'm glad you came. I originally wanted to talk with you alone, but the chief of the bear tribe said he wanted to fight you. First, fight the chief of the bear tribe and show them how strong you are."

 Duke Cerence said to me with a slightly nasty look on his face. Well, I had anticipated a fight from the start, but not this suddenly....

"Understood. Let's get this done quickly then."

 When I told Duke Cerence, a man who seemed to be the chief, standing about 2.5 meters tall and clad in iron armor,

"You have a lot of guts. I'll get revenge on my brother."

 Saying so, he held up something that looked like a spiked iron ball connected to a handle by a chain. Is this a morning star?

"Oi! Gura! Let's move location! I won't allow fighting here!"

 Duke Cerence reprimanded the chieftain, Gura. We moved to the garden to prepare for the mock battle when Brad came running over.

"Marth! I'm next after Gura!"

 Gura responded to Brad's words.

"You think I'm going to lose?"

"Honestly, I don't want Marth to lose to anyone but me,"

 Brad answers Gura's questions. When I appraised Gura,

[Name] Gura Gaf


[Social status] Beastman (bear tribe) - Head of the Baron Gaf family

[Condition] Good

[Age] 34

[Level] 38

[HP] 202/202

[MP] 6/6

[Strength] 61

[Agility] 38

[Magic power] 1

[Dexterity] 5

[Durability] 70

[Luck] 1

[Special Ability] Martial Arts (Lv4/D)

[Equipment] Morning Star

[Equipment] Full Plate Mail

 His stats were pretty extreme. Bear beastmen have high HP. I wonder what would happen if someone with those stats fought someone with the Magic Eyes? Without taking off any of my equipment, I looked at Duke Cerence and nodded.



 Duke Cerence called the signal to start the battle. Gura spun the chain around and around, swinging the iron ball at the end of it with ease. I wonder if a person with high chain skills would be able to use the Morning Star well? But I can't imagine Minerva swinging a Morning Star around...

"Are you underestimating me? It's fine to torture an unarmed opponent, but I don't want you to come up with an excuse later. Draw your sword."

 As expected, I couldn't draw the Thunder Sword or the Salamander Sword, so I wielded the stone sword I had made before leaving the inn.

 I'm pretty sure I've never used magic in front of beastmen before, so I have to be careful in these situations. In fact, I may not have even used a sword in the first place.

"Hey, are the two swords on your back just for decoration?"

"Yes. I'll take it out if I need to."

 I answered a little provocatively. They were probably the ones who had been bothering Brad the day before yesterday in the first town. That's why I was a little provocative.

 It would be fine if it was just me, but there are other members here, including Clarisse. I need to avoid any conflict that may arise from a single word I say...

 I was thinking about this while dodging Gura's morning star attacks. I could tell that Gura was getting more excited every time I dodged a morning star.

 He must be pretty annoyed by my constant movement. I actually think Gura's Morning Star attacks are pretty nasty.

 However, it's not as powerful as Karen's whip. Of course, Gura's whip is more powerful, but it's useless if it doesn't hit.

 Gura desperately swung the morning star around with all his might, but I could easily dodge without even using my future vision.

 Unlike Karen, Gura didn't seem to put in the effort to adjust his attacks to hit the opponent. Or perhaps he did, but his attacks were too forceful.

 After dodging Gra's attacks several times, I slipped into his guard at a speed he could barely react to.

 Then, as if he had been waiting for this, Gura switched the morning star from both hands to his left hand and tried to hit me with all his might with his big right fist.

 I dodged his right fist and pulled his right arm, and caused him to lose balance and fall. I placed my stone sword at his neck.


"That's enough! The winner is Marth!"

 Duke Celence shouted to halt the match. I quickly took the stone sword from Gura's neck and returned it to my hand.

"I can still fight in this state! Don't underestimate the tenacity of the Bear beastman!"

 Saying that, Gura, who was not satisfied with the verdict, once again readied his morning star and tried to continue the battle.

"Gura! You lose!"

 Duke Cerence tried to stop Gra, but

"Lord Cerence! Please! This man is a companion of the humans who kidnapped our children! The gold-embroidered uniform is proof! Several people have seen that uniform! If we return like this, we won't be able to face the Bear Tribe! Please!"

 Maybe I should be angry about this, but if I were in Gura's position, I might think the same thing.

 Even if he were thinking the same thing, I don't think he would act so recklessly as he did now... but if we stop now, there's a chance that Gura, who is not fully satisfied with his situation, will try to attack my friends.

 Of course, Minerva still can't defeat Gura, and the other members could be seriously injured if they are caught off guard.

"Duke Cerence, let's go as far as Gura wants."

 When I told Duke Cerence that, he looked relieved.

"Thanks, Marth. I appreciate it."

 He allowed the match to continue.

 After that, I repeatedly dodged Gura's morning stars, knocked him down, and put the stone sword to his neck.

 At first, Gura was fighting only out of hostility and a desire for revenge towards me, but gradually that faded away, and he was purely motivated to land at least one attack on me.

 How do I know that? Just look at Gura's expression. He's becoming more and more lively. Well, that's just going to drag the battle out, so it's a problem...

 And when Gura's movements started to slow down considerably, the bear tribe members who were with Gura

"Chief! That's enough!"

"That person may not actually be one of the black-haired comrades! If he were one of them, he would definitely have hurt the chief!"

 After hearing the voices of the bear tribe, Gura said, "I give up. I couldn't do anything." and honestly admitted defeat.

“Hey…Gura is supposed to be just as strong as me…But there’s no way Byakko could lose to Marth, right?” (TN : still dont know should i translate byakko as white tiger or its the name of tribe) 

"I don't know, Lord Brad. That man called Marth hasn't used his sword at all, only placing it against Gura's neck. When Duke Cerence asked me to fight an 11-year-old human the other day, I was puzzled, but if it's Marth, it makes sense."


 I could hear Brad and Byakko talking.

"Marth, thank you for your hard work. I really wanted you to spar with Byakko, but can you handle another match?"

 Duke Cerence told me. He wanted to test my strength after all. I still had plenty of room, but if I said I could fight multiple battles here, I might hurt Gura's pride.

 Well, I didn't use my sword so it may be too late now, but I didn't think there was any need to hurt him any more.

"Sorry. Dodging Morning Star took quite a toll on my nerves, so I'd like to take a break."

 Duke Cerence easily accepted my request.

 I thought Brad would challenge me to a match, but based on his conversation with Byakko earlier, it seemed like it would be okay.

 As Duke Cerence led me into the mansion, Gura called out to me.

"Marth, I'm sorry. It seems there was a misunderstanding. Duke Cerence and Lord Brad told me beforehand that you weren't involved, but I couldn't accept it... I'll explain everything to the others when we return to the town, so please don't hold any prejudice against the beastmen because of us."

"I'm glad the misunderstanding has been cleared up. We will continue to cooperate with you as much as possible regarding the black-haired man, so we appreciate your continued support."

 Gura held out his hand to me, so I took it, and Gura's grip on my hand got stronger and stronger until my hand started to hurt, but Gura

"You can keep a calm face even when I'm squeezing with all my strength... There was no way I could win... A guy like you wouldn't be sneaking around to avoid us,"

 He looked somewhat convinced as he released the grip on my hands. I don't remember having a calm face... I thought I showed plenty of pain.

TN : if you found something wrong just let me know

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